Is Super Moon Dangerous—–Gopal Raju

Full Moon at Perigree in an Excess of 4, .66 miles than the Normal Extreme of .25, 622 miles
The distance of the earth to the moon in miles varies in distance from 225, 622 miles to 252,088 miles in distance from one another. The extreme in proximity or “close-ness” to earth is the 225, 622 miles.
The full moon on March .9, 2011 will be 4, 066 miles closer, being at a distance of 221,556 miles from the earth on that date. The Spring Equinox is the next day. (Daylight Savings time begins Sunday March 1., 2011. – 1st Sunday in Lent, Daylight Savings Begins
Tuesday March 16, 2011 – The Ides of March “Beware the Ides of March!” (The ides are the ‘middle’)
Friday March 18, 2011 – The moon is on the celestial equator
Saturday March 19, 2011 – Full Worm Moon (moon at perigree in excess of extreme 4,066 miles
On Friday March 11, 2011 We have seen an 8.9 (or 8.8) earth quake hit Japan
On January 12, 2010 there was the 5.9 magnitude earthquake in Haiti
Page 108 of 2010 Old Farmer’s Almanac says that when the moon “rides high” or “runs low” (The Moon is highest above or farthest below the celestial equator) that this begins a most likely five day period when earthquakes are most likely (“rides high” for Northern Hemisphere and “runs low” for the Southern Hemisphere. Also there are two days in the month when the moon is on the celestial equator indicating the most likely time for an earthquake in either hemisphere). These days are marked in the Old Farmer’s Almanac on the ‘right hand pages for the calendar year.
When the Haitian quake hit Jan. 12, 2010 the moon “ran low”
The Japan quake on March 10, 2011. The moon “rides high” on the next day March 11, 2011 (which is still very close).
Next Saturday March 19, 2011 the full moon will be in excess of it’s usual perigree by 4, 066 miles and the moon will be on the celestial equator (two days of the month when earthquakes are most likely to happen in either the Northern or Southern Hemispheres). It is a full Worm Moon (… and most usually a full moon is bad enough, but this one is closer than it’s usual perigree distance and it is right at the time when the moon is on the celestial equator.
The news reports about a connection between the Japan quake and the unusually large full moon next week say that there is no connection. They are probably answering that question in respect to the Japan quake being caused by moon riding high as opposed to the quake being caused by an unusually close perigree. You may be able to see the deception in that answer given to there being no connection.
There may be nothing to be concerned about, but I thought I’d pass it along as a “be-advised” or FYI. Take care.
The Old Farmer’s 2010 Almanac (Southern Edition) by Robert B. Thomas
The Old Farmer’s 2011 Almanac (Southern Edition) by


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