
जीवन शेली,आध्यात्म,ज्योतिष,वास्तु,हस्तरेखा,लालकिताब,राशिफल,मुहूर्त,त्यौहार,कविता,

Rules for Wearing Rudraksha---by Dr. Anjna Agarwal Precautions in Wearing Rudraksha Beads--- Though Rudraksha Beads are God's gift to mankind. In general the wearer and the worshipper of Rudraksha is blessed with prosperity, peace and health yet there are following precautions need to be taken :---- 1. Rudraksha must be worn after Sidhhi. It should be worn on auspicious day. 2. Rudraksha Mantra...
Diwali ~ Festival of Lights (Diwali special Yantra and Lockets) by Dr. Anjna Agarwal Diwali ~ Festival of Lights--- Diwali is known as the 'festival of lights' comes exactly 20 days after Dussehra on Amavas (new moon), during the dark fortnight of Kartik some time in October or November. According to Hindu religious scriptures On this day, Lord Ram returned to his...
Diwali Special ~ Mantras of Goddess Lakshmi--- by Dr. Anjna Agarwal Diwali is both a festival of traditional poojas and calibrations.Traditionally Diwali Pooja is performed after sunset at home. On Diwali night, Ganesha shares the altar with Lakshmi. Shree Ganesha is the god of good beginnings and the fabled remover of obstacles. It is when placed side by side, Lakshmi and...
Mantra for wealth--- “Durge Smrita Harasi Bhitimshesh Jantoh Swasthaih Smritamati Mateev Shubhaam Dadasi Daridray Duhkh Bhayaharini ka Twadanya Sarvopakarkaranay Sadadrachitta.” Mantra for welfare--- “Sarv Mangala Mangalye Shive Sarvarth Sadhike Sharanye Trayambke Gouri Narayani Namostute.” Mantra for power--- “Srishtisthiti Vinashaanam Shaktibhute Sanatani Gunaashraye Gunamaye Narayani Namostute.” Mantra for overcoming problems--- “Sharanagat Deenart Paritranaparayane Sarvsyartihare Devi, Narayani Namostute.” Mantra for overcoming fear--- “Sarvaswarupe Sarveshe Sarvashakti Samanvite Bhaye Bhyastrahi No Devi! Durge...
Magha Navaratri -- Gupt Navaratri--by Dr. Anjna Agarwal Navratri is a Hindu festival celebrated for nine days worshipping the various forms of Durga. The Navratri festival is celebrated four times in a year: Vasanta Navratri, Ashadh Navratri, Sharad Navratri and Magha Navratri. These are further divided into Prakat and Gupt Navaratri. From the above mentioned Navaratri, Vasanta and Sharad Navratri...
Vashikaran Yantra---by Dr. Anjna Agarwal Vashikaran is an Occult Science of Attraction which drives up immense powers with the combination on Mantra and Yantra. It’s a Science which is used to Control the Minds, Thoughts, Feelings, Speech, Action and Behavior of the person. Vashikaran is a Sanskrit expression composed of two Words Vashi and Karan. `Vashi’ means to Attract, Influence,...
Moleosophy ~ Study of Moles--by Dr. Anjna Agarwal---- Moles in Astrology---- The study of moles is called "Moleosophy". Like palmistry, tarot and numerology, Moleosophy or the study of moles is also a branch of astrology Moleosophy helps to understand what the moles located in different parts of ones body mean. Usually moles are found by birth but it is observed that...
क्यूं कहते हो मेरे साथ कुछ भी बेहतर नही होता सच ये है के जैसा चाहो वैसा नही होता कोई सह लेता है कोई कह लेता है क्यूँकी ग़म कभी ज़िंदगी से बढ़ कर नही होता आज अपनो ने ही सीखा दिया हमे यहाँ ठोकर देने वाला हैर पत्थर नही होता क्यूं ज़िंदगी की मुश्क़िलो से हारे बैठे हो इसके बिना कोई मंज़िल, कोई सफ़र...
चार बज गए लेकिन पार्टी अभी बाकी हे.... विदेशियों को हरा दिया .. अब पडोसी की बारी हे.... कल पाकिस्तान था ,.... अब श्रीलंका की बरी हे..... मेसेज नया हे ...दे घुमा के... क्यों की मेच अभी बाकी हे... ============================== सबको धुल छठा देंगे भारत की ताकत दिखा देंगे पाकिस्तान को कह देना मोहाली मैं हमसे पंगा न ले वरना दिन मैं तारें दिखा देंगे ### --दयानंद ""बन्धु "-झालरापाटन
आज के मुहूर्त --गुरूवार,, 31 मार्च 2011 ::--- शुभ विक्रम संवत- 2067, शालिवाहन शक संवत- 1932, संवत्सर का नाम- शोभन, अयन- उत्तरायन, ऋतु- वसंत, मास- चैत्र, पक्ष- कृष्ण, तिथि- द्वादशी प्रात: 12.39 पश्चात त्रयोदशी, हिजरी सन्- 1432, मु. मास- रबिलाखर, तारीख- 25, नक्षत्र- शततारा अहोरात्र, योग- साध्य प्रात: 6.54 पश्चात शुभ, सूर्योदयकालीन करण- गरज, चन्द्रमा- कुंभ राशि में दिवसपर्यंत रहेंगे। ग्रह योग- पंचक जारी। ...

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