Parts of Body Ruled by the Signs
Medical Astrology is a proven and an invaluable diagnostic tool that leads to speedy recovery and lasting cures. Once a person knows to what diseases he is primarily suspectible, he can guard against them from the beginning and thus live a long and healthy life. |
Ruler of the system is sun, the giver of life. Its influence is vitalising, hot, dry and constructive. It governs the heart, vitality, blood and brain. The right eye in a male and the left eye in a female. Sun causes physical disorders and those arising from cold. |
Ruler over the natural function of the body. It is cold, moist and assimilative, and governs the breast, stomach, fluidic and lymphatic systems. Left eye in a male and right eye in a female. Moon denotes functional disorders and irregularities of the furor. |
Ruler over the brain and mind It’s nature is changeable and variable. The Nervous system, lungs, tongue, speech, hands, arms and mouth are under the influence of this. Mercury affects nervous and mental disorders. |
Warm and Moist in nature and governs the throat, chin, complexion, cheeks, Various System, Umbilicus and the internal parts of the generative organs. Venus produces complaints caused by excesses and pleasures. |
Is hot, dry and inflammatory. It governs the forehead, bile, nose, gall and muscular system. Mars causes inflammatory disorders and accidents. |
Warm and Moist in nature but mild. Governs the blood, seed, lever, arterial system, pleura, right ear and the absorbative system. Jupiter disposes to blood disorders and diseases due to excesses. |
Cold, dry, contracting and obstructive. Rules over the joints, bones, spleen, teeth, knees. Saturn denotes chronic complaints through cough, cold and nerve weakness. |
“Vish Yoga” in medical term it’s called “poison”. In Astrology there are .4. type of alergic vish yoga. |