Gemstones ~Power, effects and uses of Gemstones —
Gemology postulates that gems not only enhance fortune but also have therapeutic properties which can be used in the medical field. The inherent powers of Gemstones are recognized by modern science in the technological uses of crystals in watches, lasers, and computers but the more subtle potencies, such as their ability to promote physical healing in the body or their power to help balance human emotions, elude modern science. Gemstones are connected with the Planets & helps to maintain health, status, marital bliss, financial gains, professional success. According to Puranas and other authentic sources following kinds of Gems and jewels are prominent :
.) Manikya (Ruby).
.) Moti (Pearl).
.) Mungaa (Coral).
4) Panna (Emerald).
5) Pukhraj (Yellow Sapphire).
6) Neelam (Blue Sapphire).
7) Heera (Diamond).
8) Gomed (Hassonite).
9) Lahsumiya (Cat’s eye).
1.) Phiroza (Turquoise).
11) Chandrakant (Moon stone).
12) Ghrit Mani.
13) Tail Mani.
14) Bheeshmak.
15) Upalak Mani (Opal).
16) Sphatic Mani (Rock Crystal).
17) Paras Mani.
18) Ulook Mani.
19) Larvart (Lapis Mani)
20) Masar Mani.
21) Ishiv.
Legend of the Gemstones:—
According to Vishnu Purana and Shrimad Bhagwat Mahapurana, Bali, the grandson of Prahlad was a great king of the demons. With a resolution of dethroning Indra as the king of heaven, Bali organized a hundred Ashwamedha Yagyas. On the appeal of Indra, Lord Vishnu decided to stop the hundredth Ashwamedha Yagya of Bali and arrived there in the guise of Vamana and begged him to donate land measuring three steps. In two steps, Lord measures entire earth and heaven. Since there was not room then to put the third step, Bali offered his head for the Lord to put his third step. Thus, Lord Vishnu sent Bali direct to the hell. But with the touch of the Lord’s foot, Bali’s body converted into gems and stones. According to another version of the lore, a fierce battle followed between Lord Vishnu and Bali. During the battle, Lord Vishnu broke Bali’s body into pieces. Thus different pieces of Bali’s body fell at different places and took the shape of gems and jewels. Thus, origin of different gems and jewels is as follows:—
Ruby: It originated from the blood drops of Bali, hence it has red or pink colour.
Pearl: It is believed to have originated from the mind of Bali.
Coral: That part of Bali’s blood which flowed down to the sea formed the coral.
Yellow Sapphire: It originated from the flesh of Bali.
Blue Sapphire: It originated from the eyes of the demon King Bali.
Diamond: It originated from the pieces of Bali’s brain.
Hassonite: This gem originated from the fat of the demon king.
Cat’s Eye: This jewel originated from the Yagyopavit (sacred thread) of Bali.
Turquoise: It originated from the nervous system of the demon king Bali.
Moonstone: It originated from the radiance of the eye’s pupils.
Ghrit Mani: This jewel originated from the pieces of the waist.
Tail Mani: Skin of the king Bali formed this jewel.
Bheeshmak: This gem was produced from the head pieces of Bali.
Upalak Mani: Cough or phlegm of Bali produced this jewel.
Sphatik Mani (Rock Crystal): This jewel was formed from the sweat of Bali.
Paras Mani: Pieces of Bali’s heart formed Paras Mani.
Ulook Mani: This jewel was formed from the pieces of Bali’s tongue.
Lapis Lazuli: Bali’s hair formed this jewel.
Masar Mani: This jewel was produced from the faeces of Bali.
Ishiv Mani: This jewel is believed to have from the semen of King Bali.
Thus in all, eighty four different parts and constituents of the demon king Bali. Of them, only twenty-one are described as Gems or Jewels due to peculiar brilliance they possess. Of these twenty-one gems, only nine are most famous for their radiance and are hence known as Navaratna. Thus, there are nine main gems or jewels, twelve common gems and sixty-three ordinary gems which are also known as sub-gems.
Why Gemstones are Prescribed :—
Gemstones are prescribed to either strengthen or balance the energies of these planets in question, i.e. strengthen weak planets so that they do create some good effect, or further strengthen already strong planets, such that their effect is more pronounced. As an example, someone may want to strengthen Mercury to cure any speech impediment or skin inflammation, as a weak Mercury is known to cause these ailments. A person may want to strengthen Saturn if it is a Raj Yoga causing planet, in that case, in Saturn’s dasha or bhukti, the results given by Saturn multiply. Surely all good and bad effects multiply at the same time, there is a need for balance.
Gemstones should be worn strictly after consulting an astrologer because an Astrologer can only know which Gemstone is suitable and which is not according to your Rashi/Lagna/Ascendant and the position of the planet associated with the stone in your birth chart to get maximum benefits in life. It is necessary to purify the gemstone before wearing and the mantra associated with that Gemstone. When a Gemstone is worn it generates positive vibrations and powerful aura around the individual, which in turn protective and resists any untoward vibrations coming from external sources.
Power of gemstones :—
The Gemstones selected for use should always be in contact with one’s body to absorb their healing properties. All stones or gems have magnetic powers in varying degrees, and many of them are beneficial to us for their therapeutic cures. They emit vibrations and frequencies which have strong potential influence on our whole being. They create strong energy fields which enable us to be charged with their energies. The Gemstones are used for healing, transforming, balancing, and attuning the body, mind and soul. They are a manifestation of vibrancy, light and color, life, textures, transparency and clarity. They activate our abilities, soothe and comfort, heal and balance through the purity of their rays. The patterns in the stones reveal to us the changes that keep taking place, indicating that life is change – that the process of evolution is a cosmic law. Each Gem, tuned to a particular ray, has a special role to play. The more precious stones that you wear, the more strongly will you be charged with cosmic forces, radiating out into your surroundings.
Gemstone therapy :—
It is based on the theory that certain Gemstones possess specific healing energies. Physical and emotional problems can block the body’s energy center, resulting in illness of some kind. When a Gemstone comes into contact with the body, its energy is released and transferred to the person. Use Gemstone therapy to unblock negative energy or heal the body and Gemstone meditation to heal the spirit.
Gemstones have an amazing capacity to absorb the cosmic vibes from the planets. Each precious stone has its own special energetic vibration from its magnetic field. Gemstones have been recognized since Ancient times. They were very much used in Ayurvedic medicine in the form of dust, or infusions or dipped in water. Due to this power they are considered as a part of the planets themselves. Almost every branch of astrology discusses gemstones as way to influence the impact of the planets on the native.
Gemstones Terminology- English/Hindi (Indian Name)