Tag: जीवन शेली
Introduction to Astrology—-
(A Proven Science)
(A Proven Science)Here I will give you an Introduction to Astrology.Friends, kindly try to understand what I explain to you about Astrology. Then you can decide whether Astrology is important or not? Advice...
Medical Asrology—–
Parts of Body Ruled by the Signs
Medical Astrology is a proven and an invaluable diagnostic tool that leads to speedy recovery and lasting cures. Once a person knows to what diseases he...
Gems and Astrology—
Gems and Astrology----
We all know that astrology is a knowledge of Light and I have explained this concept in detail in my last article “Color science and Astrology”.
Gems relation with astrology...
श्रीकृष्ण तक पहुंचने का मार्ग हैं राधा—
श्रीकृष्ण तक पहुंचने का मार्ग हैं राधा---
भगवान श्रीकृष्ण को समझने और पाने के लिए युगों-युगों से ऋषि-मुनि, संत-विद्वान भगवती राधा का आश्रय लेते रहे हैं। सच्चिदानंद श्रीकृष्ण के प्रेम-रस का पान...
देवी भगवती के अलग-अलग रूप—
देवी भगवती के अलग-अलग रूप---
मान्यता है कि प्राणियों का दुख दूर करने के लिए देवी भगवती निराकार होकर भी अलग-अलग रूप धारण कर अवतार लेती हैं। देवी ही सत्व, रज और...
द्वारकाधीशमंदिर वास्तुकला का एक बेजोड नमूना है।
72खंभों पर टिका द्वारकाधीशमंदिर वास्तुकला का एक बेजोड नमूना है। क्या आप भी इस अद्भुत मंदिर का दर्शन करना चाहेंगे?
यदि द्वारकाभ्रमण करते हुए लगभग अस्सी फीट ऊंचा भवन और उसके गुंबद...
According to Vedic astrology, certain parts of the day, called Rahu Kalam, are inauspicious periods and one should not undertake any auspicious work during these periods - especially any new undertaking.
Rahukalam differs from place to...
Study of astrology has been branded by the neo-scientists as a belief in superstition. Greater criticism has been heaped on astrology by those who have never bothered to study...
Marriage line—
Marriage line---
Marriage line goes across the periphery of the palm initiating under the little finger or the finger of Mercury. According to palmistry, marriage lines show marriages or romances in a...
The SixTypes Of Hands In Palmistry—
The SixTypes Of Hands In Palmistry---
The Elementary HandElementary hands are generally stiff, heavy, short fingers and a short thumb.The hand is in fact thick, hard, square palm, shapeless fingertips, and roughand leathery skin. The...