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**सरस्वती सिद्ध विश्वजयं कवच********** ***************************************** ॐ ह्रीं सरस्वत्यै स्वाहेति श्रोत्रे पातु निरन्तरम! ॐ श्रीं ह्रीं भगवत्यै सरस्वत्यै स्वाहा नेत्रयुग्मं सदावातु!! ऐं ह्रीं वाम्वादिन्ये स्वाहा नासां मे सर्वदावातु! ॐ ह्रीं विद्याधिष्ठातृदेव्यै स्वहा चोष्ठं सदावतु!! ॐ श्रीं ह्रीं ब्राह्मयें स्वाहेति दन्तपंगपंग्क्ति सदावतु! ऐमित्येकाक्षारो मंत्रो मम कण्ठे सदावतु!! ॐ श्रीं ह्रीं पातु मे ग्रीवां स्कन्धौ मे श्रीं सदावतु! ॐ ह्रीं विद्याधिष्ठातृदेव्यै स्वाहा वक्ष: सदावतु!! ॐ ह्रीं विद्याधिस्वरूपायै...


Shaktipat... The Primordial Energy of Consciousness gives birth to the universe, nurtures it, and bestows manifold spiritual blessings. This Evolutionary Energy dwells within all beings as Kundalini. Great Spiritual Preceptors have the rare ability to awaken this Divine Energy and lead seekers to the experience of their own true essence - Being, Consciousness and Bliss. This is the path of...
Invite from WAVES for 22 April program- lecture by Prof. Abel Hernandez (In attachment for print) Wider Association for Vedic Studies (WAVES) A Multidisciplinary Academic Society, Registered under Societies Act xxi of 1860 SPECIAL LECTURE Impact of Agnihotra on Health and Environment (Svasthya evam Pryavarana per Agnihotra ka Prabhava) Key Speaker: Prof. Abel Hernandez Director, Agrohoma, U.S.A. Chairman: Prof. K.V. Paliwal Vedic Scholar & Former Project Director, IARI, ...
10 अप्रैल 2011: रविवार, Sukla Sapthami * 05:52 तक, * 04:28 Aardra तक, जब तक 11:15 योग Sobhana, जब तक 17:59 करण Garija, 5:52 * तक Vanija करण, RahuK: 16:35 GulikaK: YamaG, 15:05: 16:35-18:05 - 12:05-13:35, 18:40 पर सूर्योदय पर 6:05 सूर्यास्त, *, 10:33 पर Moonrise,) दिन Moonset पर 0:52 पूरे (चंद्रमा में Mithun ) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- April 10, 2011:Sunday, Sukla Sapthami till 5:52*, ...
नींद की समस्या दो तरह से होती है - हाइपो सोमनिया ( कम नींद आना ) और हाइपर सोमनिया ( ज्यादा नींद आना ) । पहली कैटिगरी में प्रमुख समस्याएं हैं : -- इनसोमनिया : पूरी कोशिश के बाद भी मरीज को नींद नहीं आती और वहबिस्तर पर लेटकर करवटें बदलता रहता है। मेनिया : मरीज बहुत खुश और कुछ ज्यादा ही जोश में रहने...
In Hindu palmistry the head line is called dhan rekha and Marti rekha. From this line we can make out the mentality, the power of mental concentration and the ability to exert self control, possessed by the subject. It should be obvious that the mind plays a very vital role in the shaping of out destiny. However good the...
1. Introduction--- In India, astrology is called Jyotish, a Sanskrit word that is derived from two roots, “Jyoti and Isha” which respectively mean ‘Light and God’. Jyotish is the science of light, both the light of the celestial bodies and the internal light of the soul. It is a gift was bestowed upon humanity by...
Birth of Shri Ganesha ( Ganapati or Lambodara )--- Decapitated and reanimated by Shiva---- Once, while Goddess Parvati wanted to take a bath, there were no attendants around to guard her and stop anyone from accidentally entering the house. Hence she created an image of a boy out of paste which she prepared...

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